Saturday, August 23, 2008

Who's that knocking at my door?

On the 15th of August, 2008 I camped in a campground in Colorado where I heard screams earlier in June of this year.

I placed the microphone next to my mirror on the drivers side and ran the cord inside the car and had the recorder on the dash. I covered the little red light with a piece of paper so it hopefully couldn't be seen. I fell asleep immediately and I had a rather restless night, which is unusual for me. I did not hear anything unusual in the night and took off for Oregon the next day.

Sound Clip

1 - at 4 sec and 7 sec you hear me moaning in my sleep.

2 - at 23 sec you can hear the latches on my car door being tried

3 - at 25 sec you hear a mumble or grumble from outside the car. This sound appears to be very similar to some other sound clips I have heard. This is the first recording I have of this type.

And now you know why I sleep in my car instead of a tent.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Oregon - 48 in '08

Oregon was my fourteenth stop squatchin' in all 48 contiguous states in 2008. I was invited to go squatchin' with Rick Rogers. Rick is a local researcher in Eastern Oregon.

On the 16th of August, 2008 we camped in the Blue Mountains of North-eastern Oregon. Rick shares his recollections from 1967 of a possible encounter he had near Springfield, Oregon. He also talks about when he viewed the Minnesota Iceman at a carnival back in the late 1960's.

Thanks for allowing me to tag along Rick!

To listen to a complete audio recording of this segment click here:
Oregon - 48 in '08

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wyoming - 48 in '08

Wyoming was my thirteenth stop squatchin' in all 48 contiguous states in 2008. I was invited to go squatchin' with Brooke Raser. Brooke is a member of the BFRO .

On the 12th of August, 2008 several local researchers accompanied Brooke and myself to an isolated mountain range in Eastern Wyoming. Although no reports have come this specific area the habitat appears to have everything required for at least a transient population of squatches. We saw many mule deer, elk, rabbits and jackrabbits in just the short drive to the location.

We used woodknocks and vocalizations in an attempt to illicit some type of response from animals in the area. It was extremely quiet. The only sounds being heard were the distant calls of great-horned owls.

Thanks for allowing me to tag along Brooke!

To listen to an audio recording of this segment click here.
Wyoming - 48 in '08

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Sunday, August 3, 2008

Colorado - 48 in '08

Colorado was my twelth stop squatchin' in all 48 contiguous states in 2008. I was invited to go squatchin' with Dennis Pfohl. Dennis is a member of the BFRO .

About forty researchers gathered at a remote location in Central Colorado. The expedition was held the 22st through the 27th of July, 2008.

Several techniques were used including woodknocking and limited sound blasting. One or two sightings were made by thermal imager, there was a major rock throwing incident, several possibly vocalizations were recorded including woodknocks, grunts and howls and at least two participants had vehicles struck in the night by unseen intruders.

Sound clip 1
These sounds were picked up at 0330 a.m. I am not quite sure if they are coyote or not.

Sound clip 2
This sound clip was just before daybreak on Sunday morning. There were a lot of sheep on the hillside near our camp.

At 5 sec. there is a loud vocalization I believe designed to stir up the dogs and the flock. I can't really describe the sound, not a howl, just strange. Then at 50 sec and 53 sec two words were spoken. As to the first sound on the clip a fellow researcher told me that he has heard the same type of vocalization in Southern Colorado.

Sound clip 3
This sound clip was recorded at about 04:30 a.m. Sunday morning by Scott Smith of Arkansas. I appears to be a grunt and either a branch break or a hand slapping a vehicle.

Sound clip 4
This sound clip was recorded at about 04:00 a.m. Thursday morning by Scott Smith of Arkansas. Other members had mentioned that they heard an animal running close to the knoll behind camp.

The area had Peruvian Indian shepherders attending flocks of 400 to 500 sheep. Several recordings were made late in the night of vocalizations close to these flocks.

Thanks for allowing me to tag along Dennis!

To listen to an audio recording of this segment click here.
Colorado - 48 in '08

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