Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Wilderness Paradox

One concept that I see being repeated over and over again is
that if there is a large bi-pedal ape in North America it must
live in only the most remote, secluded wilderness areas.
Commonly areas pointed to as likely habitat are the Pacific
Northwest, British Columbia, Northern California or if "back
East", only inaccessible mountainous terrain.

But do witness reports really bear out this assumption?

Let's take a look at several reports that have been posted by
the BFRO, The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization.

Omaha, Nebraska
Various sightings near the Missouri River in Omaha, Nebraska.

I interviewed this witness. Although the report only goes into
recent activity she told me that her family has had several
sightings and heard vocalizations going back as far as the early
1960's. What is significant is that this area is bounded on all
four sides by major thoroughfares: I-480 on the west and
north, I-29 on the east, I-80 on the south. It is also within
1 1/2 miles of the central district of Omaha, Nebraska.

Of special note is that Marlin Perkins who hosted Mutual of
Omaha's Wild Kingdom made a trip to the Himalayas with
Sir Edmund Hillary in 1960 to check out reports of the Yeti.
While on that trip they examined a supposed Yeti scalp that
turned out to be a hoax. Perhaps they should have saved
their money, stayed home and talked to local witnesses in

Topeka, Kansas
Hiker finds footprint near Topeka, Kansas.

What is significant about this report is the excellent picture that
he was able to obtain of a possible juvenile bigfoot print. The
exact location although not stated is within a couple miles of
downtown Topeka and along the Kansas River.

St.Louis County, Missouri
Bow hunter observes animal in Creve Coeur bottoms

This report comes from an area that is 15 miles from downtown,
St.Louis, Missouri and along the Missouri River. It also is only a
couple of miles from very populated suburbs in west St.Louis
County. This area is bounded on the west and south by I-40,
on the north by I-70 and east by I-270.

Madison County, Illinois (unpublished)
This rural location in Madison County, Illinois has been the site
of ongoing bigfoot sightings. It is near a small creek and
approximately 15 miles from the Mississippi River. I did an on
onsite investigation and saw several sets of footprints.

Central Illinois. (unpublished)

Another rural location in Central Illinois. This site is also located
on a small wooded creek that flows through corn and soybean
fields. It is located 13 miles from the Sangamon River.
Numerous whistles, woodknocks and howls have been
recorded at this site.

Lee County, Illinois
Hikers find footprint along Franklin Creek.

This footprint was found along a small wooded creek in an
agricultural area of Northern Illinois. It is located 5 miles
from the Rock River.

Food - Water - Cover

The important factors for possible bigfoot habitat seem to be
wooded streams or river systems and an adequate food
supply, particularly a large deer population. Reports
continue to come in whether they are close to major urban
centers or agricultural areas.

It has been stated that the Pacific Northwest has a resident
population of bigfoot on every watershed. A growing number
of researchers are gradually coming to realize that perhaps
it is the same situation east of the Rockies.


  1. Suburban sightings are becoming more commonplace. Many sighting reports and observations show that these creatures sometimes come into close proximity to populated areas.

    What is not known is whether these creatures are indeed inhabiting the wooded and wetland areas where these sightings take place? Or are they just passing through as they follow the major rivers and minor waterways in their migrations?

  2. Interesting subject. I've been paying attention to reports like these that come from what we'd think are unlikely places. A couple of days ago a report was posted on BFRO about a sighting in Vermont IL...and again, as unlikely as it sounded,the sighting along a overgrown buffer strip along the local drainage which was itself only a few thousand yards from a significant tributary to the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. I think people might be surprised to see how overgrown drainages, fields and brushy strips of woodland can act as conduits to and from habitats that we normally associate with wild animals. Additionally, over the last generation of so, people who travel the land, who used to do so on foot, now travel routinely on motorized ATVs. Also, less and less hunting activity is tolerated close to populated areas and there are fewer hunters. Nature's rebound is too slow for us to notice but there are plenty of places where there will be conflict with nature unless people understand the time scales on which it operates.

  3. hey stan good afternoon wow this is a very interesting article about sasquatch you wrote in your great blog. i hope people start postings & footprints reports here in your blog as well. thanks bill green ct sasquatch researcher. please keep in touch ok.

  4. There is a trail going north out of Morgantown, WV where several sightings have happened. It was a railroad until the tracks were taken up about 8 years ago. Part of it is a hiking trail. The trail ends at the city limits but the railroad grade goes on to the Pennsylvania line. Past the city limits is where they have been sighted. Its overgrown but you can still walk down the center of the path without fighting brush. One guy said he noticed a spot just 20 feet off the trail where something large had bedded down.

  5. Centralia illinois:(south cental illinois)i would like to offer my help in this erea to anyone that may need it in the search for and preservation of the Sasquatch/Bigfoot species feel free to contact overdriver64@yahoo.com
