Friday, March 16, 2007

Man or Beast?

One question that continues to plague bigfoot researchers is
"What is this animal, is it a man (albeit different or primitive) or
is it just an ape?"

Man has always had to cope with uncertain feelings when it
comes to apes and monkeys. We can not gaze into the eyes
of a chimp at the zoo and not have some thoughts about our

Two thousand years ago when Europeans were first exposed
to seeing monkeys, it was easy to say "Well we are not
closely related, they have tails, walk on all fours, are covered
with hair and have no language." When stories of chimps and
gorillas started coming out of Africa, disbelief was common.
Here was a group of animals that had no tail, walked closer
to upright and looked more human-like. The first "body"
presented to science surely was a momentous event.

So how does this all relate to bigfoot studies? We are
confronted with an animal that -

1. Is upright walking (Patterson-Gimlin, Memorial Day, and
Freeman films).

2. Has footprints that are somewhat similar to mans as shown
by many photographs and footprint casts.

3. Is very vocal, whether these sounds are related to true
language or is simply mimicry is open to debate.

4. Has a highly social family structure as reported by eye
witness accounts.

5. Facial features look more human-like than apelike. I have
interviewed over two hundred witnesses that have had a bigfoot
encounter. Of those individuals who have seen the face,
almost all of them emphasized its human-like characteristics.

So where does this leave us with the question as to
whether bigfoot is man or beast? This debate has been
going on for decades and will only intensify as new films,
audio recordings and someday a body is produced.

Perhaps the question should be "What is Man?"

Mankind cannot be defined simply by being intelligent, using
tools and language or being bi-pedal.

The final answer can only come from the Bible. We read
in Genesis 1:27

"So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them."

Only man is aware of God and only man is capable of
fellowshipping with Him through a right personal relationship
through Christ. .

Ephesians 4:24

"and to put on the new self, created to be like God
in true righteousness and holiness."

So friends, it is your decision what you will believe, for myself I
believe what separates man from all the animals, whether it be
monkey, ape or bigfoot is that only man was created in the
image of God and only man is capable of a personal
relationship with Jesus Christ, as our Lord and Savior.


Special thank you to:
Pastor Dale B. Huelsman
Bethany Lutheran Church
Wellington, Ohio

A Short Explanation of Dr. Martin Luther's Small Catechism with
An American Translation Text - A Handbook of Christan Doctrine.
Christian News - New Haven, Missouri 63068

A Summary of Christan Doctrine by Edward W.A. Koehler
Concordia Publishing House, St.Louis

How is Man Created in God's Image?
Come Reason Ministries


  1. I think that maybe bigfoot might be a surviving sub species of the neanderthal man.

  2. How completely unscientific! Perhaps bigfoot has mastered ways of never being separated from God! Native americans considered an encounter with bigfoot on par with an encounter with angels! Why do you think they can elude us so completely? Because they are highly intelligent and have a culture. When man is extinct it is more highly probable that bigfoot will survive by divine right order and because they are closer to and in right balance with nature/God! Jesus or buddha or anyone else doesn't need to save bigfoot they live a completely innocent and righteous life. The idea that man is somehow more "special" or "divine" is derived from it's mind and not necessarily true. Maybe you should examine closer the science regarding this, then pray for some help!

  3. I beleive this to be true, if you take Genesis a bit further...

    26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, [b] and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

    27 So God created man in his own image,
    in the image of God he created him;
    male and female he created them.

    28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

    It does explain our difference between "Man" and "Animal"

  4. Anyone spoken with God lately? Some He you sure it's a He? You sure? why don't you just ask um... Him directly! Hey God are bigfoots sentient beings or not? I Believe God would say "YES and about that ruling over all the creatures dominion thing
    there's hell to pay!"

  5. We have yet to capture a Bigfoot, so how do we know a Bigfoot is not aware of God? If the first one captured begins to pray, and later tests reveal it is not human...then we will be forced to re-think/re-read.

    My point being...we can not jump to conclusions either way.

    Are there no cave men, no pre-viking Native Americans in Heaven?

    Neanderthals were not human, but they were people...did they go to Heaven when they died?

  6. Thanks so much, Stan, for speaking the truth boldly in your original post.

    Human life is sacred because we are created in the image of God. God allowed the first man and woman to fall into sin, but He provided His own Son, Jesus Christ as Savior and Redeemer. Everyone who believes in his or her heart that God raised Jesus from the grave and confesses that he or she relies upon Jesus as Lord and Savior will be saved.

    All of creation testifies of its Creator, and God has sent us the Holy Spirit to convict us of sin, righteousness and judgment and to testify about Himself. All of us are guilty of "cosmic treason" for rebelling against God.

    As for all the people who lived before Jesus was even born, or elsewhere in the world and did not hear the Gospel during their lifetimes-- I rest my trust in God that He is good, righteous and just.
