Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Field Recorders - Pt 2

My main technique for recording is to leave the recording gear in the woods overnight. The amount of quality sounds I have been able to obtain with this method has far outdone what I could gather if I were only recording when I was hiking. Overnight recording does require more recording space and larger batteries.

Last time we looked at a recorder that was listed under $200. The next step up is:

Field Recorders under $450.

In the mid-priced range is the Sony PCM-D50.

The manufacturers website:

Sony PCM-D50

The user's manual can be found at:

Users Manual

Excellent reviews can be read at:

f7 sound and vision

O'Reilly digitalmedia

Brad Linder's blog

Forums discussing this recorder are:

The Taperssection Forums:

Thread one

Thread two

There are several videos posted on YouTube.

Sony PCM-D50 video review

Sony PCM-D50 Backs Up Heftier Price With Heftier Features

Sony PCM-D50

Recording media - 4Gb internal flash memory (accepts additional 4 GB Memory Stick)

Maximum recordable time - Using both the internal flash and external memory stick the record time in .wav at 44.1kHz 16bit CD quality mode is almost 13 hours.

Batteries - uses 4 AA batteries - Sony claims 14 hours record time


Sound file courtesy of f7 sound and vision

Sound clip - Woodpecker

Conclusion - I have not used this particular unit but those who have appear to think it has many advantages over others in this price range.

- great sound quality
- long battery life
- sturdy build quality


- no xlr microphone ports unless you purchase an expensive adaptor box
- records only in .wav and compressed .wav

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