Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Field Recorders - Pt 3

This short series on recorders is not to compare units of $200 vs $5000, but instead is simply my recommendation within each price range.

Last time we looked at a recorder that was listed under $450. The next step up is:

Around $1000.

In the high-priced range is the Marantz PMD 670/671.

In an attempt to make the pre-amps quieter Oade Brothers Audio does modifications on various recorders. It is my suggestion that anyone looking at the Marantz for nature recording only buy a unit from Oade that has had the pre-amps modified. The quality of my recordings were dramatically improved after this modification.

The manufacturers website:

PMD 671

The user's manual can be found at:

Users Manual

Forums discussing this recorder are:

The Taperssection Forums

Thread one

Thread two

Thread three

Thread four

Thread five

Recording media
- uses a CompactFlash card.

Maximum recordable time - Using a 4 GB card the record time in .wav at 44.1kHz 16bit CD quality mode is 6 hours 30 min.

- uses D batteries - about 8 hrs record time, I use an external battery supply.


Sound clips -

1 - Using a non-modified Marantz 671 DB Donlon recorded what he calls the East Central Ohio Chatter.

2 - Using a modified Marantz 670 I recently recorded this lone coyote. Most of the recordings on my website were made with this recorder before I had it modified.

- both DB Donlon and myself have been using the AT3032 Omnidirectional Condenser Microphones. However these mics are no longer being made. I typically use omnidirectional mics because I am leaving my gear overnight in the woods therefore I do not know which direction the sound will be coming from.

Conclusion - I have been recording with the 670 for 4 years now. It has been proven to be consistent, easy to use and durable. After having the unit modified the quality of my recordings were greatly improved.

- great sound quality
- very easy to use
- sturdy build

- battery compartment is poorly designed
- plastic body

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